Use "explanation|explanations" in a sentence

1. The explanations which they offer for continuing peasant unrest, however, run counter to important aspects of the Soviet explanation.

2. Explanations are plentiful: absurd, irrational, unscientific explanations, alongside absurd, rational, scientific ones.

3. Something Authorly TGNP Unlikely Explanations

4. Convoluted sentences, explanations, arguments, etc

5. Consult Bible literature for explanations.

6. Three possible explanations have been considered.

7. His grammar explanations are terribly convoluted.

8. Two broad explanations come to mind.

9. Three possible explanations come to mind.

10. His grammar explanations are terribly Convoluted

11. He owed commoner soldiers no explanations.

12. Explanations > Theories > Blemishing Effect

13. And Londoners need explanations and reassurance.

14. They want explanations of this poor compliance.

15. Progress Report and Explanations of Variances 7.

16. Its meteoric ascent defied the usual explanations.

17. These are tempting explanations for fertility decline.

18. I began to concoct explanations of my own.

19. Well, some other possible explanations involve convection currents.

20. Like explanations, questions figure prominently in classroom interactions.

21. Explanation.

22. / ˌæn.əˈteɪ.ʃ ə n / a short explanation or note added to a text or image, or the act of adding short explanations or notes: The Annotation of literary texts makes them more accessible

23. Free Quran with explanations in 2021 1442 Ah

24. Colons can introduce lists, quotes, examples, and explanations

25. I listened intently, caught up in his explanations.

26. These explanations are not sufficiently grounded in fact.

27. 22 I never succeeded in assimilating his explanations.

28. Besides, her explanations were at variance with church teaching.

29. They look around for other explanations and ulterior motives.

30. He, too, was tipsy and his explanations were repetitive.

31. The accounting officer should provide factual answers and explanations.

32. Logical explanations for the world’s problems. —Revelation 12:12.

33. No one was convinced by his glib answers/explanations.

34. Explanations of the basic gameplay elements, Actors and Objects

35. 26 His explanations removed the scale from my eyes.

36. There are several explanations, not all of them altruistic.

37. Explanations written by the project's sexual health adviser accompany these.

38. Generations of students have learnt to parrot the standard explanations.

39. Provide Needed Explanation.

40. Recursive Backtracking Explanation

41. This is said of objects, phenomena, explanations, theories, and meanings.

42. Their world is one of plot twists and unexpected explanations.

43. 10 They look around for other explanations and ulterior motives.

44. She capped her rage when she heard her husband's explanations.

45. This follows from an assumption about the possibility of reductive explanations.

46. Why Clingy Partners Cling Expert explanations for bad, mad love

47. Biological explanations for Criminality suggest that Criminality comes human biology

48. A very Convoluted route / knot Convoluted sentences, explanations, arguments, etc

49. There are several explanations ventured for the term lupus erythematosus.

50. To the fellatio phenomenon, has different explanations in the folk.

51. 6 Associative learning provides explanations for basic forms of learning.

52. They produced some rather unconvincing explanations for the system failure.

53. Constitutive explanations do not address events or behaviors, but causal capacities

54. Joan Gero challenged Androcentric explanations of tool-making on several levels

55. And there were two essential explanations or ideas that were prevalent.

56. Science may be able to provide some explanations of paranormal phenomena.

57. None of the explanations offered is demonstrably correct — or demonstrably incorrect.

58. And other explanations of memories attributed to previous lives are possible.

59. She uses so much jargon I can never understand her explanations.

60. That's the only explanation.

61. His explanation was unconvincing.

62. Note: See detailed explanation

63. It's the only explanation.

64. “After listening to the pediatrician’s explanations, my husband and I wept.

65. Explanations with physical content draw on the laws of physical causality.

66. Babiche: Explanation: Babiche n

67. In this chapter I deal with the last of the alleged Contradistinctions between holism and reductionism in biology, namely the one between functional explanations (holism) and causal explanations (reductionism).

68. Apoplexy Definition and Explanation

69. Your explanation sounds farfetched.

70. The Copernican theory offers various explanations unlike the Ptolemaic theory (Curd 5)

71. Traditional explanations of why people Anthropomorphize may be divided into two sorts

72. 7 Different connotations can be presented in different aesthetic explanations to "dehumanization".

73. 5 Simplicity is desirable,( in scientific and in metaphysical explanations.

74. Thus did ecological explanations regain ground earlier lost to generational ones.

75. We shall categorize the explanations which result as being in different modes.

76. Explanation of branding types

77. Alternative explanations include the involvement of clusters of bullet-shaped ice columns.

78. Colonial officials put forth two related explanations for the prevalence of perjury.

79. The Constitution of the United States of America (see explanation) Preamble["We the people"] (see explanation) Article I[The Legislative Branch] (see explanation)

80. Definitions, explanations and examples of Commonly confused words in the English language.